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Updated: April 13, 2024
Traveling with anyone can pose challenges. Traveling in a car or camper van poses a few more. Next, throw a dating couple into the mix.
Now you have Road Trip Dates: The Good, Bad, and Ugly….
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6 months into our relationship, my boyfriend and I took a 10-day road trip (in a car) for our longest period of traveling together. And what an experience that was! Luckily, our relationship survived the challenge.
A month later he bought a camper van and since then we have been on multiple road trip dates, and here’s what we have learned about our time traveling together…
There is so much good, but I’ll narrow it down to my top picks.
Being stuck in a vehicle for hours and hours gives you ample time for conversation to learn more about each other. At a certain point, no topic is off-limits. When time is not a limiting factor, the conversation can go to interesting places!
Dating + camper van road trips have led to exploring each other’s musical preferences, differences, and similarities. I’ve come to appreciate learning and sharing memories and stories that we each have with the songs we hear along the way.
Planning and doing activities on a road trip is a great way to connect with your loved one. You can learn more about each other’s dreams, goals, likes, dislikes, bucket lists, etc.
And when the preferred activities differ- you learn to compromise. You can grow as a couple experiencing activities that you may not have chosen for yourself.
New life experiences are more fun when you have someone to share them with. Even better is if they enjoy it equally as much. And with dating + camper van road trips, you have the opportunity to make those experiences very unique- like waking up in the camper van to an amazing overlook in the morning.
There is some bad- and I use the word “bad” loosely. These have actually turned into a positive because they have helped us grow as people and as a couple.
Going on a road trip does not offer much space. Initially, we were constantly in each other’s way in the camper van.
The more we have traveled, the better we seem to effortlessly move around each other when performing our usual roles (cooking, cleaning, etc). The only time that it’s best for one of us to leave the camper is when the bed is being taken down or put up.
Arguments are bound to happen. Our arguments tend to start when we are “hangry” or tired from traveling too late.
And when you are on a road trip, there is no storming off or escaping to cool down. We have learned to work through our moods with each other a lot quicker.
There aren’t too many “ugly” things about camper van travels, other than being forced to become very familiar with the other’s bathroom habits and bodily noises more quickly than I imagine the average dating couple does.
Overall, it has been a fun and exciting way to get to know each other on a deeper level while experiencing joint life goals and dreams.
At a little over a year into the relationship now, we still take every opportunity possible to run away in the camper van for a while.
After writing this, I assigned my boyfriend the task of giving me his list of {The Good, Bad, and Ugly} Here is his-
“The different places we get to see and experience together. It has helped us grow closer.”
“How close you always are in our van. Sleeping is a little tight at times!”
“Not having private space to poop!”
We would love to hear about other couples’ experiences with road trip dates. Leave us a comment!
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